Tuesday, February 19, 2008

Finally! A Papa John's in Issaquah

Once every week, my friends and I meet up for a little snowboarding after work. Last week, we met over by Fred Meyers in Issaquah. Now, these are friends of mine that I grew up with, almost all being from Issaquah or the Eastside.

We like Issaquah, it's got a nice mix of old shops / restaurants and newer big chain stores. You won't find places like Olive Garden, Best Buy, Frys, Circuit City or Papa John's... or will you? We looked over towards Jamba Juice and noticed a familiar red, green and white sign.

Is it? It is! A Papa John's has opened up in Issaquah. I love pizza, but was tired of paying the prices at Extreme Pizza, Round Table, and Flying Pie, and I'm just sick of Dominos. So I'm excited to know I can order Papa Johns now. What took them so long?!

And speaking of that little area... it's sad to see how far Krispy Kremes has fallen. I remember when that parking lot resembled a ferry line, with hired security directing traffic. Now, it's rare to see cars lined up at all.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

I'm so excited about Papa John's too! finally another choice. Although a Fry's would be great.