Tuesday, December 26, 2006

Day 25 - Flip Project - Cedar Grove

Originally uploaded by jinlee.
$ spent since last update - $3813.13

Total $ spent - $6462.78

Budget $20,000
Target Finish Date - 2/5/2006

Today, 2 things were accomplished; the paint is done and the garbage is gone.

I paid the painters $3700 ($200 for wall repair, $2000 for painting the walls, $1500 for cabinet painting), spent $49.52 on a Uhaul, and spent $63.61 throwing away over 1/2 a ton of garbage at the transfer station.

I actually woke up early this morning and took my truck to the site expecting to make 2 trips to the dump. However, after loading up my truck once, I noticed that I hardly made a dent in the pile of carpet and other waste that had been in the garage. So I went to Uhaul and rented their $19.95 van. Luckily, I only ended up driving about 30 miles total, so my total bill was $49.52 (they charge $19.95 per day, plus 79 cents per mile... but they tend to charge more on weekends).

The morning trip to the dump in Factoria (when I took my truck) only cost me $15.50. However, that was just 160 pounds of garbage.

The afternoon trip, using the Uhaul, cost me $48.11. And during that trip, I threw away 1080 pounds of waste.

So here is the first "before" and "after" pic of the kitchen. We still need to do something about the countertops, and also get the appliances in. More on that stuff another day.

1 comment:

Mitch said...

The difference between the before and after photos is amazing. The painted cabinets were definitely the way to go, as was the choice in wall color. Very nicely done.